Get more traffic to your website

Personalised one-to-one website mentoring

Get your website performing for your business properly by generating more traffic and leads from your ideal clients

Six months website support to help you increase traffic and leads on your website

You’ve grown your business and built a loyal audience, but your website hasn’t played a significant role in the success of your business.

But what if it did?
How many more clients could you be serving?
How much revenue are you potentially leaving on the table?

Now is the time to prioritise your website, so you can take your business to the next level.

Are you jeopardising your reputation with a bad website?

As a small business owner your reputation is everything. It’s what helps to position you as an expert and the go-to person, and ultimately, what drives referrals and sales to your business.

But what happens when something jeopardises that reputation? Your website is the epitome of your online presence. It tells your potential clients everything they need to know about you, your business, your products or services, and how credible you are

I know that you want to make more sales from your website quickly, rather than heavily relying on social media. You need a website that attracts your ideal client and converts visitors into paying customers.

Let’s make a positive change

Your website isn’t working because.. 

Your website is out of date

You have a website, but it’s just sat there not doing anything for your business because you haven’t kept it up to date

You spend too much time on social media

You’ve already been making sales through social media, email and personal outreach, but it’s taking a lot of your time

Work life balance is non-existent

You’re spending more time creating content and your work/life balance is now being negatively affected and you don’t have time to work on your website

Confused by what to do next

You know your website could be doing more, but you don’t know how to get your website sorted in a way that actually makes those sales

I had a 1-2-1 call with Katrina where she audited my website. She was absolutely brilliant! I built my website by myself a few years ago and I knew it needed updating. She went through my entire website and helped me with simple, effective changes that I could make straight away. It now speaks clearly to the correct audience that I am trying to attract and I couldn’t be happier. I’ve still got more to do but I now know how I can improve my SEO and I am really happy with all her advice! Would highly recommend Katrina as she was amazing!

Carrie Cronin

Reels Specialist

Did you know 75% of consumers judge a company’s credibility based on their website design? 


You’re losing customers because of your website

If your website is not showing up as it’s best self, YOU are not showing up as your best self, and that could be losing you customers. 

Taking control of your website will not only transform how your brand is represented online, but allow you to focus on what’s really important in your business and personal life, as you’ll have a powerful tool that is generating leads and sales much easier and slicker than any social media post ever will. 

how it works

Get more leads and sales for your business through your website with six months one-to-one website mentoring

Get clarity on how your website can be used to grow your business

In depth 90 minute on boarding call to understand your business, set your goals and where your website is now in regards to SEO and usability so we can make a plan that works for you


Monthly calls so you know exactly what action you need to take on your website

Monthly Zoom calls for planning any improvements and updates to your website including copy, layout, customer journey, accessibility, and on-page SEO in line with what you’re currenlty promoting


Personalised strategy to boost your website and marketing

Personalised strategy for your website and SEO, that also works with the rest of your digital marketing  efforts to help you achieve your overall objective and goals

Monthly stats and reports so you know whats working

Monthly Google Analytics and Google Console reports to help you understand how your website is performing in relation to your overall marketing and sales so your website doesn’t fall behind again


Feel continuously supported and excited to work on your site

Get feedback and opportunities to bounce ideas aroundwith me in between calls via Voxer (Mon – Fri). So if you need some tips, advice or feedback in between our monthly calls you’ll feel continuously supported.

In the UK alone, there are 60 million eCommerce users, meaning that only the minority of the UK population are not buying online


 Why are you not taking the opportunity to reach a wider audience by shifting your focus from trying to make your Reels and TikTok’s go viral, and working on your SEO to help you generate leads much easier?

Website mentoring for ambitious entrepreurs who are ready to level up their business

Working on your website is not a quick fix or a shortcut to success. It requires time and consistency, but the results can completely revelutionise how your business is perceived and generates more revenue.

If you’re ready to make your website and success non-negotiable, let’s work together.

Join the BETA round for just £3,000 or £500 p/m!

There are only 3 spaces available in the BETA round before prices increase

questions before commit?

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is 1:1 website mentoring for?

Product or service based entrepreneurs who already have a website, but is not making sales from it and has grown their business through social media/email marketing. You ideally need to be very clear on who your ideal client is, and know the products/services you are selling.

Does it matter what website my platform is on?

No. We’re going to be looking at SEO strategies and techniques rather than the tech of your website. Whilst some platforms have more flexibility and capabilities than others, you can still have a successful website on any platform.

Will you give me lessons on how to change my website?

I will be giving guidance and what you need to do to improve your site, but HOW to do it on your specfic website is not covered. You need to be confident in editing your website, or have a team/VA who can make the changes for you.

Does this include any "done-for-you" support?

No. The only “done-for-you” support I will be offering is generating the Google Analytics and Google Console reports for you, ready for our monthly calls. Otherwise,  I will be mentoring and advising you on what you can do on your website, but any tasks need to be carried out by you or your team. 

If you need any done-for-you support this would be an additional fee.

What if I change my mind after purchasing?

You will have a 14 day cooling off period after purchasing. So if you do change your mind during that time, you can get a full refund, no questions asked 🙂

After 14 days, refunds will not be available.

How will the programme be delivered?

All calls will be on Zoom which will be recorded and added to your client area on my website, that you can access 24/7. I will also add any supporting information to your client area, including reports and notes we make so you can go back and review at any point.

If you want to reach me in between our monthly calls, I will be available on Voxer Monday – Friday 8:30am – 5:30pm, for feedback, advice or just a sounding board, and I will answer your questions within 24hrs during the working week.

Do you guarantee results?

Unfortunately not. Nothing in life is guaranteed and that is even more so in websites and SEO. We work together for 6 months as that is the optimum time needed to start seeing results, but that is dependent on the industry you’re in, its competitiveness, and how much work you’re willing to put in. 

I do guarantee that you’ll have a better understanding of your website and how it can be used to grow your business and increase your income, and you’ll want to keep going!

What does BETA round mean?

This is a brand new service I am offering, so I am looking for 3 business owners to try the 1:1 programme, whilst providing feedback in exchnage for a space at a reduced rate.



Ready to get started with your website? Pick the payment plan that suits you the best, and let’s get started! 




paid monthly




paid over 2 months




one time payment 

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